Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The General Education Curriculum


The General Education Curriculum at Bethune-Cookman University is a coordinated program of courses that provides opportunities for undergraduate students to acquire competencies that demonstrate mastery of the general education core curriculum requirements. As a substantial component of each baccalaureate degree program, the primary role of the general education curriculum is to provide a broad foundation for all undergraduate degrees and in the areas of the curriculum that support student learning outcomes.

Mission for the Program:

Supported by the University’s stated mission, “…to educate a diverse community of learners to become responsible, productive citizens and solution seekers through the promotion of faith, scholarship, creative endeavors, leadership and service…,” the mission of General Education Curriculum is to provide all undergraduate students, regardless of major, with a solid foundation of core competencies in the areas of the curriculum that support their baccalaureate degree level of learning outcomes.

Philosophy and Rationale:

The University’s required general education coursework is designed to ensure a breadth of knowledge and is based on a coherent rationale. The coursework does not narrowly focus on skills, techniques, and procedures specific to a particular occupation or profession; instead, coursework draws from the following areas: humanities/fine arts, social/behavioral sciences, and natural sciences/mathematics.

The following eight competencies constitute a strong foundation upon which degree programs build specific knowledge, skills and dispositions to achieve the desired student learning outcomes in the general education curriculum through 42 credit hours of mission-aligned and outcome-driven courses:

  • The African American Experience - Knowing the contributions of varied cultures of the African diaspora, with a particular focus on the Americas Students will be able to describe and analyze the history, liturgy, contributions, and experiences of African Americans.

HI 130 - African American History (3 credit hours)

  • Faith - Reflecting on personal values and beliefs, respecting the values and beliefs exhibited by others, students will be able to examine and relate the impact of Christian traditions and values to other world religions.

RELI 110 - Understanding Faith (3 credit hours)

  • Reasoning - Quantitative Reasoning Skills: Solving quantitative problems, making well-reasoned arguments, conducting research, students will be able to use quantitative reasoning or mathematical concepts and ideas to analyze problems and identify solutions.
  Mathematics courses (6 credits total)  
  MAT 131 - Liberal Arts Mathematics (3 credit hours)*
  MAT 132 - College Mathematics (3 credit hours)*
  MAT 134 - College Algebra (3 credit hours)*

Scientific Reasoning Skills: Solving quantitative problems, making well-reasoned arguments, conducting research, students will be able to apply and analyze basic scientific principles or research methods to evaluate evidence and make informed decisions.

  Science courses (6 credits total)
  BI 131 - General Biology (3 credit hours)
  BI 141 - Principles of Biology I (For Science Majors) (3 credit hours)
  BIL 141 - Principles of Biology I Lab (1 credit hour)
  ES 130 - Introduction to Environmental Science (3 credit hours)
  • Moral and Ethical Judgment - Acting prudently, justly, and with self-restraint, students will be able to articulate and apply knowledge of ethics to determine and defend actions, which improve society, with an emphasis on social justice.

PHIL 230 - Ethics (2 credit hours)

  • Knowledge of Human Cultures - Identifying various public and community characteristics, interacting with people of different cultures while having an awareness of own culture, students will be able to identify and compare the values, arts, social structures, and material practices of world cultures.

SS 245 - Interdisciplinary Social Science (3 credit hours)  or HU 225 - Interdisciplinary Humanities (3 credit hours)

  • Literacy and Communication - Writing and orally presenting ideas effectively, students will be able to communicate effectively in both written and oral language, using conventions and forms appropriate to the audience and purpose, including the use of current technologies and digital environments.

  EN 131 - College English I (3 credit hours)*
  EN 132 - College English II (3 credit hours)*
  Modern Languages (6 credits total)
  French: MLF 131 - Elementary French I (3 credit hours) and MLF 132 - Elementary French II (3 credit hours) or
  German: MLG 131 - Elementary German I (3 credit hours) and MLG 132 - Elementary German II (3 credit hours) or
  Spanish: MLS 131 - Elementary Spanish (3 credit hours) and MLS 132 - Elementary Spanish II (3 credit hours)
  SC 230 - Introduction to Effective Oral Communication (2 credit hours)*
  • Leadership, Service and Entrepreneurship - Leading by principles of servant-leadership and helping others with an entrepreneurial mindset of sharing creative ideas for innovation leading to action, students will be able to apply servant-leadership principles as they collaborate to translate ideas into action plans and service to promote growth and well-being of people and communities.

  FC 110 - Freshman Seminar I (1 credit hour)
  FC 111 - Freshman Seminar II (1 credit hour)
  FC 280 - Sophomore Seminar: Leadership (1 credit hour)
  ENT 300 - Junior Seminar: Entrepreneurship (1 credit hour)
  • Practical Knowledge and Skills - Integrating concepts and theories of well-being into daily lifestyle, students will be able to apply principles of well-being to discriminate among possible solutions, selecting and supporting those that take into consideration physical, emotional, and spiritual health and safety.**

PE 113 - Health and Wellness (1 credit)  or TAB 103 - A Dance Seminar (1 credit)**

African-American History 3 Credit Hours
English* 6 Credit Hours
Entrepreneurship 1 Credit Hour
Ethics 2 Credit Hours
Fine Arts and Humanities or Social Science 3 Credit Hours
Freshman Seminar 2 Credit Hours
Health and Wellness** 1 Credit Hour
Leadership 1 Credit Hour
Mathematics* 6 Credit Hours
Modern Language 6 Credit Hours
Oral Communication* 2 Credit Hours
Religion 3 Credit Hours
Science 6 Credit Hours

Students must successfully complete all General Education courses in which they receive an “F” grade. 

*Students must repeat this General Education course if they receive a grade lower than a “C”. They must also continuously enroll in Mathematics, English, and Effective Oral Communication general education courses each semester until a minimum passing grade of C is earned.

**Marching Band Members ONLY, MUST substitute Practical Knowledge and Skills with MUB 110 - Marching Band.

**ROTC Members ONLY, may substitute Practical Knowledge and Skills with MY 104 - Basic Military Science and MYL 104 - Basic Military Science Laboratory.