Jul 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Regulations and Policy

Office of the Provost
White Hall
P: 386-481-2067

The procedures, policies, and regulations stated in this section are designed to assist Bethune-Cookman University students during their matriculation.

Academic Regulations

Special attention should be given to the following regulations.

Academic Honesty-Honor Code

Bethune-Cookman University students are expected to abide by the B-CU Student Honor Code in all academic activities. As members of an academic community, which places a high value on truth and the pursuit of knowledge, students are expected to be honest in every phase of their academic life and to present, as their own work, only that which is genuinely theirs. Students have the responsibility to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and to refrain from any form of academic dishonesty.

Academic dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism or other actions to create an unfair academic advantage for oneself or a disadvantage for another other member or members of the academic community, is antithetical to learning and inconsistent with the Institutional Core Values. Students who are academically dishonest undermine the integrity of the University. If students receive recognition, the value of the recognition is diminished if the student is accused of academic dishonesty. In such cases, the reputation of the University and its graduates are jeopardized. Academic dishonesty hurts the University and is unfair to other students. A complete definition of academic dishonesty and disciplinary procedures are found in the B-CU Student Honor Code.

Suspected violation of either a University policy on academic honesty or the instructor’s specific codes, as found in the course syllabus, will be handled in accordance with the B-CU Honor Code.

Course Credit and Grading Information

Unit of Credit:

Bethune-Cookman University awards semester credit hours for both online and residential courses.  A minimum of 750 minutes (fifteen 50 minute classroom hours) of instruction is required for each credit hour, including final examinations for residential courses.  Laboratory practice requires additional hours per week. The content of online courses must be equivalent in depth to residential courses.  Both residential and online courses are 15 weeks in length. Semester hour credits are also awarded for courses which are shorter than 15 weeks; however, in these instances, class periods are longer in order to complete the total time required in lecture or laboratory.

Students will receive credit only for those courses for which they are officially registered and for which they pay the necessary tuition at the time of registration. Minimum passing grades are required to earn credit.

Grading System:

Students are graded according to the following grade point average (GPA) system:

A. Used in GPA Computation:

Grade Interpretation Point Value
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Poor 1
F Fail 0
P Pass  







B. Not used in GPA Computation



Becomes an “F” if not satisfied by the date given on the University Calendar



Dropped Course

No Credit - Same as WD



Official Withdrawal from the University



Withdrawal from a Course



No Credit


Forgiven Grade

Replaces D or F


No Grade Assigned

No Credit


No Show

No Credit

Full-Time Course Load:   Students registered for 12 or more Semester Hours.
Part-Time Course Load:  Students registered for less than 12 Semester Hours.

Grade Point Average Calculation Example:

If a student received an “A” in three 3-Hour courses, a “B” in two 3-Hour courses, and a “C” in one 1-Hour course, the GPA would be computed by using the following method:


Credit Hours for Course

Quality Points per Hour

Quality points per course

(A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1)

Course I


4 (“A” grade) =


Course II


4 (“A” grade) =


Course III


4 (“A” grade) =


Course IV


3 (“B” grade) =


Course V


3 (“B” grade) =


Course VI


2 ( “C” grade) =



16 total


56 total quality points

The total quality points (56) divided by the total Hours graded (16) yields the grade point average (3.50) (56 ÷ 16 = 3.50).

Bethune-Cookman University truncates each student’s grade point at the hundredth (e.g. 3.504 = 3.50; 3.506 = 3.50).

Explanation of Course Number System:


Developmental Courses


Freshman Courses


Sophomore Courses


Junior Courses


Senior Courses


Graduate level courses open to undergraduate students

“H”- Printed next to course number indicates Honors courses.

Residency Requirement 

In order to earn a degree from Bethune-Cookman University, at least 25% of the credit Hours required for the degree must be earned at the University.

Classification of Students

The classification of a student is determined by the number of credit hours earned as follows: 

Freshman 0-27 credits 
Sophomore 28-57 credits 
Junior 58-91 credits 
Senior 92 or more

Academic Terms

  • Fall Semester:
  • August - December
  • Spring Semester:
  • January - April
  • Summer Session A:
  • May and June
  • Summer Session B:
  • June and July

Summer Sessions are 6 Week Sessions

Student Course Load

The maximum load for undergraduate students is 18 credit hours during the semester or any combination of fall or spring sessions, 12 credit hours during the 8-week session, 14 credit hours during the 10-week session or any combination of summer sessions, and 4 credit hours during the Intersession.

Students on academic probation are ineligible to take courses in sessions shorter than 8 weeks.

Semester: A semester is defined as the regular 16-week academic terms, to include the fall term beginning in August and ending in December; and the spring term beginning in January and ending in April or May.

Sub-term: A sub-term is defined as any of the accelerated terms that may occur during a semester, in the summer, or during an intersession. Sub-terms may range from two weeks to ten weeks in length.

Academic Overload 

On approval of the dean, students may enroll in an academic overload for any session with the exception of the intersession. In order to be eligible for an overload, a student must have completed a minimum of 66 credit hours and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00. The maximum student course overload is 24 credit hours in a single semester or any combination of fall or spring sessions and 18 credit hours during the 10-week session or any combination of summer sessions.

Online Courses

Non-online degree-seeking students will be able to enroll in a total of 1 online course per semester (4, 8, or 16 -week format) with a maximum of 12 courses per degree program.   Exceptions must be approved by the Department Chair and Academic Dean. Individual degree programs may restrict or limit enrollment of its majors in specific enrollment courses.


Students are expected to take advantage of the educational opportunities available to them by attending classes and laboratory periods.  Class attendance and participation are part of the requirements for passing the course (see individual course syllabi for information regarding class attendance and participation).  Excessive absences may result in lower grades.

Students who are absent are responsible for completing and submitting all assignments.  If students miss a scheduled assignment, quiz, midterm or final exam, students must obtain the instructor’s approval to make up work.

Excused Absences:

Excused absences may include those incurred by the student’s participation in university or class sponsored activities, family emergencies, and significant illness. (Proof of family emergencies and illness is an important factor in being permitted to make up missed assignments).

Verification of Attendance:

At the beginning of each Semester, faculty members are required to verify class attendance per Federal Financial Aid Regulations. The second purpose is to ensure that students sitting in their classes are listed on the official class rosters. Once generated, the Verification of Attendance Report is sent to the Office of Financial Aid according to the published deadline. Students will receive credit only for those courses for which they are officially registered and for which they pay the necessary tuition at the time of registration.

Academic Standing Policy

Academic standing provides the University with a measure of academic progress. It aids the University in the identification of students in academic difficulty who may need additional assistance. A student’s academic standing determines eligibility for enrollment and participation in extra-curricular activities. Academic standing is separate from financial aid eligibility and does not impact judicial standing.

Undergraduate student academic standing is determined by both semester and cumulative grade point average (GPA).

• Semester GPA. A minimum semester grade point average of 2.00, and;

• Cumulative GPA. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 is required for good academic standing.

Bethune-Cookman University defines the following levels of undergraduate academic standing for degree-seeking students:

Good academic standing - Students in good academic standing are academically eligible for all of the rights and privileges of an undergraduate student at Bethune-Cookman University. A student is in good academic standing if s/he has a cumulative GPA (CGPA) of 2.00 or higher and a semester GPA of 2.00 or higher for the last semester enrolled.

Academic warning -  A full-time student who maintains a CGPA of 2.0 or higher, but does not achieve a semester GPA of 2.00 or higher in a given semester (including summer) will have the status of “academic warning” for the following fall or spring semester. Students on academic warning are able to continue enrollment and are required to develop an academic plan with their Success Coach or academic advisor.

Academic Probation - A student (full-time or part-time) whose CGPA falls below a 2.00, in a given semester (including summer) will have the status of “academic probation” for the following fall or spring semester. Students on academic probation are able to continue enrollment and are required to develop or continue to follow the academic plan developed while on academic warning. A student on academic probation who fails to meet the minimum CGPA requirement, but passes 100% of his/her classes and meets all other requirements, including achievement of the milestones set forth in the academic plan, may continue on academic probation.

Academic Dismissal - A student who is on academic probation and fails to make sufficient progress as outlined above will be academically dismissed. Students who are academically dismissed from the University may not enroll at Bethune-Cookman University for the following fall or spring semester. A student who is academically dismissed may apply for re-entry to the University after one semester of absence (excluding summer), as outlined below. Students who are academically dismissed will be allowed to take up to six credit hours in summer school beginning the first summer session after dismissal to demonstrate an ability to recover. The process for appeal of academic dismissal is outlined below. Upon reentry to the University, all academically dismissed students will have the status of “academic probation” and adhere to the following in order to maintain enrollment:

  • The student, in conjunction with the Student Success Coach or academic advisor, must develop and implement an academic recovery plan;
  • The student cannot be enrolled in more than 15 total credit hours if enrolled in a regular academic semester, or in a total of six credit hours in if enrolled in the summer or enrolled only in a sub-term.
  • The student must achieve a GPA of 2.00 or higher for the new enrollment term;
  • The student must pass all classes taken in the first enrollment term, or the first 12 credit hours if the student is not a full-time student or is enrolled in subterms. (Note: these courses must be courses that count toward graduation);

Final Academic Dismissal: A third academic dismissal from the University, will be considered final. 

Appealing academic dismissal

The student must complete the academic dismissal appeal form and submit the form to the Dean of the student’s College/School for review by their designated committee. In addition, the student must submit a letter of support from a faculty member in the department of the student’s major. Should the student wish to change their major, the appeal should be to the new College/School and letters are required from a faculty member in both the current and the intended major.

Reentry after academic dismissal

When a student is dismissed from the University the student is dropped from all courses and may not return for the next fall or spring semester following the dismissal.

Reentry into the university is not automatic or guaranteed and each individual case is reviewed carefully by the designated committee of the student’s academic unit.  Although the lack of a 2.00 CGPA contributes to the dismissal it is not the absolute threshold to be readmitted.  The designated committee carefully reviews the student’s attempts to rectify what led to the dismissal, the student’s readiness to return as well as the student’s potential for success.

A student can repair his or her academic record by enrolling in no more than six hours in summer school.  This may aid a student in improving his or her CGPA; however, courses in summer sessions are intense and students should carefully select courses that will benefit their academic career.  A student who wishes to enroll in summer sessions should contact the Office of the Registrar.

A student can demonstrate a commitment to improving his or her academic record by enrolling in courses at another institution. While performance in the courses will be taken into consideration by the designated committee in the students’ academic unit and the courses can be transferred, the grades do not transfer, and will not serve to improve the student’s academic record. A student who wishes to enroll at another institution should complete the Transient Student Permission Request form.

In order to be considered for reentry, an academically dismissed student must complete the reentry application and submit it along with a letter of appeal and a letter of recommendation from a faculty member in the student’s major. The application package should be submitted to the Dean of the College or School in which the major resides. Reentry applications are due October 30 for the spring semester and March 30 for the Fall semester. The reentry application will be reviewed by the College/School Committee, and the student will be notified of the decision by December 1 for the spring semester and May 1 for the fall semester. If a student has been absent from Bethune-Cookman University for more than one calendar year, the student must also apply for resubmission.

Overview of Academic Status

Rules for Undergraduate Academic Standing for Fall and Spring for full-time students*

Prior Academic Status

Cumulative GPA

Semester GPA

# of Credit Hours

New Academic Status


2.00 or greater

2.00 or greater

12 or more

Good Academic Standing


2.00 or greater

Less than 2.00

12 or more

Academic Warning


Less than 2.00

Less than 2.00

12 or more

Academic Probation


2.00 or greater

Less than 2.00

12 or more

Academic Warning


Less than 2.00

Less than 2.00

12 or more

Academic Probation


2.00 or greater

Less than 2.00

12 or more

Academic Warning


Less than 2.00

2.00 or greater

12 or more

Academic Probation


Less than 2.00

Less than 2.00

12 or more

Academic Dismissal

*Full or part-time status is determined by the prior academic semester.

Rules for Undergraduate Academic Standing for fall and spring (part-time students*)

Prior Academic Status

Cumulative GPA

Semester GPA

# of Credit Hours

New Academic Status


2.00 or greater

2.00 or greater

6 or more

Good Academic Standing


2.00 or greater

Less than 2.00

3 or more

Academic Warning


Less than 2.00

Less than 2.00

3 or more

Academic Probation


2.00 or greater

Less than 2.00

3 or more

Academic Warning


Less than 2.00

Less than 2.00

3 or more

Academic Probation


2.00 or greater

Less than 2.00

3 or more

Academic Warning


Less than 2.00

2.00 or greater

3 or more

Academic Probation


Less than 2.00

Less than 2.00

3 or more

Academic Dismissal

*Full or part-time status is determined by the prior academic semester.

Double Major Policy

A student who wishes to graduate with a double major or who wishes to receive two degrees in the same semester may do so by:

  1. Declare the intent to complete a double major or dual degree;
  2. Completing the degree requirements for both programs;
  3. Earn a minimum of 150 credit hours.

Requirements for the two programs of study must be completed within the same semester. Students must complete a graduation application for both majors. Students who complete a double major will receive one degree with both majors listed. Students who complete a dual degree, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science, will receive two diplomas. Students must use the same catalog year for both programs. A student may not pursue more than two programs of study simultaneously.

If a student completes the requirements for one degree in a semester prior to the completion of the other declared degree, the completed degree will be awarded and the student will need to readmit to complete the second major.

Issuance of “I” (Incomplete) Grades

Faculty members may issue “I” or Incomplete grades to students who, for legitimate reasons, have not completed coursework at the time final grades must be submitted.  At the time the request is made, the student must be passing the course with the required minimum grade for the course.  At the discretion of the faculty member, an “I” grade may be given to a student who is experiencing extraordinary personal challenges, but who has not formally requested an Incomplete grade. 

Removal of “I” Grades

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate action to meet with the instructor and complete the work necessary to remove the “I” grade.  Students receiving “I” grades should report to the instructor(s) who issued the grade(s) within the first week of classes in their next Semester of enrollment. The assignments needed to remove the “I” grade(s) must be completed within the first six weeks of the next Semester. Failure to complete the assigned work in the appropriate time frame will cause “I”s to automatically change to “F” grades.

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate action to meet with the faculty member and complete the work necessary to remove the “I” grade.  Students receiving “I” grades should report to the faculty member(s) who issued the grade(s) within the first week of classes in their next semester of enrollment.  The assignments needed to remove the “I” grade(s) must be completed within the first six weeks of the next semester.  Failure to complete the assigned work in the appropriate time frame will cause the “I”(s) to automatically change to “F” grades. 

At the end of the time period specified, the original faculty member will file the necessary form and submit the appropriate final letter grade to the Office of the Registrar. 

Grade Change Policy

All grades (A, B, C, D, F) are considered final when assigned by an instructor at the end of a term.  Final grades can be changed if an instructor makes the request based on a computational or procedural error in the original assignment of a grade. A change of grade may not take place as a result of additional work submitted, re-evaluation, or other special arrangements.  A grade can also be changed as a result of a grade appeal.  See student grade appeal procedure. A request for a grade change is accompanied by supporting material.


  1. The grade change is initiated by the instructor
  2. The instructor submits the grade change form, with supporting documentation to the Department Chair.  If the Chair approves, the form and supporting materials are submitted to the Academic Dean.
  3. If the grade change is approved, the Academic Dean submits the form and supporting materials to the Provost.
  4. If the grade change is approved, the Provost sends the form to the Registrar.

Grade changes can only happen within a year of the initially assigned grade.  Additionally, grade changes may not occur after a student has graduated.

Grade Repeat Policy

Students must complete all General Education courses in which they receive an “F” grade.  Students must repeat the following specific General Education courses if they receive grades lower than a “C”:

  • English, EN 131, 132 or (EN 134 & 135 Honors),  
  • Mathematics, MAT 131, MAT 132, MAT 134 or (MAT 135, 136 OR MAB 138), (MAT 141 & 142, Honors), and
  • Effective Oral Communications, SC 230 (SC 240 Honors).

Students must repeat all major courses in which they receive grades lower than a “C.”                  

Continuous Enrollment in Certain General Education Courses:

Students must continuously enroll in general education Mathematics, English, and Effective Oral Communication courses each Semester until a minimum passing grade of C is earned.


The University will only compute the hours earned from the higher grade in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average (GPA). If a student makes the same grade in the repeated course, the grade for the repeated course will NOT be recalculated into the student’s GPA. All grades, courses and hours attempted/earned, remain a part of the student’s permanent record.

Grade Forgiveness

When students change their major a maximum of two (2) courses, totaling less than nine credits, in one former major may be forgiven (i.e., not calculated in the cumulative grade point average.). This option is available only once. All courses will remain a part of the student’s permanent record.

It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the process of the “forgiveness policy” by obtaining the appropriate approval from their student success coach or faculty advisor and having it approved by the Dean of their new major.

Students must have officially changed their major and spent at least one (1) Semester in the new major (taking and passing at least one (1) course required for the new major). The completed form should be returned to the Office of the Registrar. General education courses are not eligible for grade forgiveness.

Right to Appeal a Final Grade

Every student has the right to appeal final grades given by an instructor. Steps in the grade appeal process are outlined under “Student Grade Appeal.”

Add-Drop Policy

Adding a Class

Students desiring to add a course may do so only during the registration period until the last day of late registration. Approval of the student’s academic student success coach is recommended before any course change can be made. Added courses are not finalized until appropriate forms are delivered to the Office of the Registrar by the student. The student will receive a dated and signed copy of the form upon receipt.

Dropping a Class

A student desiring to drop a course should initiate drop procedures via a conversation with the classroom instructor. A course may be dropped from the first day of classes to the last day of the drop period as defined in the University calendar. Dropped classes are not official until a properly completed Drop/Add Form is completed by the student and submitted to the Office of the Registrar. The student will receive a dated and signed copy of the form upon receipt.

A reduction in course load below 12 hours may jeopardize a student’s eligibility to receive a full financial aid package and the ability to participate in campus and intercollegiate activities.

To Withdraw From Bethune-Cookman University:

Withdrawal from the University can only be successfully completed by following specific prescribed steps. Failure to follow the process to the end may result in unnecessary charges to the student’s account and/or failing grades.

A student who desires to withdraw from the university must contact the Student Success Center and explain the circumstances which he or she feels require him or her to withdraw from the university. The student is then directed to the offices indicated on the Withdrawal Form to secure clearance, including Financial Aid and Office of the Bursar. If living on campus, the student is also required to turn in all residence hall keys to the counselor of the residence hall in which the student is residing and meet all other stipulations required by the university. A student must bring the signed form to the Office of the Registrar for processing. If the student does not return the form but leaves the university, the student’s classes will NOT be dropped. A student may receive ‘F’ grades for nonattendance. A student must notify the Dean of Students’ and Registrar’s Office in writing within 48 Hours (2 business days) if he or she changes his or her mind about withdrawing from the University.

Students who choose to withdraw after the published Last Day to Withdraw will receive a grade of “WF” on their permanent record. “WF” grades calculate the same as a grade of “F”.

If final examinations are scheduled to take place 10 days or less at the time the student begins the withdrawal process in either the Fall or Spring Terms, he or she will not be allowed to withdraw from the University. If final examinations are scheduled to take place 5 days or less at the time the student begins the withdrawal process during either the Summer A or B Term, he or she will not be allowed to withdraw from the University.

Proper withdrawal from the University will result in a notation of “W” being placed beside each course the student enrolled in the Semester or summer term of the withdrawal. Failure to properly drop classes or withdraw from the university will result in “F” grades for nonattendance.

Note: Adjustments to Tuition will only be made to a student’s account based on the date the student “officially” withdraws from Bethune-Cookman University. For additional details, please review one of the following: “Institutional Refund Policy for Fees” under Student Accounts on the B-CU Website, or see the policy in the university catalog. Students may also contact Student Accounts.

Course Substitutions

Upon the approval of the appropriate academic chair and dean, students may substitute courses in their program of study.  This may include courses transferred to the University.

Students must obtain the Course Substitution Request Form from the Student Success Center and obtain appropriate signatures for processing:  the department chair of the area responsible for the substituted course, the dean of the academic school that offers the course, and the student success coach. The form must then be submitted to the Office of the Provost for final approval.

Transfer Academic Credit

Bethune-Cookman University will accept transferable credits if the following criteria are met:

  • The credits are obtained from an institution that is regionally accredited or equivalent.
  • A grade of C or better was achieved.
  • The credits can be applied to a selected degree program at B-CU.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) exam scores of 3 or higher are achieved.
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) exam scores of 5 or higher, or if you have an IB Diploma a minimum of 4 must be achieved.
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP) scores of 50 or higher are achieved.
  • Official transcripts and appropriate documentation are received for evaluation.

Transfer Students With Associate of Arts Degrees

Students holding A.A. degrees from a regionally accredited College or University will be fully admitted and accepted as upper-level transfer students. Students must also meet admission requirements for specific majors.


  • Transfer grades are not included in computing a student’s grade point average at Bethune-Cookman University.
  • To earn a degree from Bethune-Cookman University, at least 25% of the credit hours required for the degree must be earned at the University (25 percent rule).  As such, a maximum of 90 transfer credit hours may be applied towards the degree.
  • For some transfer students, additional institutional learning outcomes may be required before graduation.
  • For evaluation of International and Military credits, the University may require the use of third-party services.
  • Credits will not be accepted for transfer into the University if courses are more than 10 years old. Exceptions to this policy can only be made by the Office of the Provost.

Independent Study

  1. Independent Study may take place only after other alternatives have been exhausted.
  2. Independent Study must be approved by the instructor, the department chair, and the school dean.
  3. Independent Study may be taken only during the student’s final two Semesters and only if there is an absolute need for the course in order to satisfy major area requirements for graduation.
  4. Independent Study may be taken only by matriculating students who are in acceptable standing.
  5. Independent Study may be administered only by full-time faculty.
  6. Independent Study courses are limited to two (2) during the student’s matriculation.
  7. A student will pay the normal course fee for an Independent Study course.
  8. Under no circumstances will Independent Study be approved after two weeks from the start of a Semester or after the first week of a summer session.
  9. Independent Study must be for a course listed in the undergraduate catalog.
  10. This Independent Study policy applies to all students.

Student Grade Appeal Processes

Bethune-Cookman University is committed to supporting the student matriculation process. It is our intent to positively resolve issues, complaints, and concerns that may impact the success of students in meeting student learning outcomes. The grade appeal procedure provides students with an opportunity to have awarded grades reviewed by an impartial body and to provide relief.  Before initiating a petition for appeal, the student should attempt to resolve the problem directly with the professor and/or department chair.  Should efforts to resolve the problem with the professor and/or department chair be unsuccessful, the student has the right to file a formal appeal.  Students must consult their respective academic college or school guidelines which may differ.

Student Grade Appeal Procedure:

Students have the right to appeal the grades awarded in courses.

  1. Students will have ten business days from the day that grades are posted or otherwise given before initiating the appeal.  The student should submit a written statement to the academic dean within ten days setting forth the complaint, efforts to resolve it, and supporting evidence or justification for the complaint. The academic dean, on receipt of this petition, should provide a copy of the complaint to the faculty.
  2. The Dean will convene the committee charged with reviewing matters of concern. The Committee will review the written statement from the student, secure additional information that the student may have, and hear and examine evidence and information that the professor may have in support of her/his decision. Both the student and the faculty shall each receive reasonable notice of the hearing before the faculty committee and be permitted to be present at the hearing. In addition, the parties shall have the right to present evidence and to examine any witnesses who should testify. Students enrolled in online degree programs will be granted the option of attending the hearing via Skype or Zoom. The committee then makes a recommendation to the dean, along with all of the supporting data, and the dean renders a decision in the case, which is immediately communicated in writing to the student, the faculty concerned, and the committee. 
  3. If the student or the faculty concerned is dissatisfied with the decision of the academic dean, either may appeal to the Office of the Provost. If this is done, the Provost will review all of the information and the Provost may convene a committee to investigate the situation further and recommend action.  The Provost will render a decision in the case which is to be communicated to the student, the faculty concerned, the academic dean, and the members of the committee participating in the case.  The decision of the Provost is final.

Academic Credit for Study Abroad


The University’s Study Abroad program is open to all students who have an interest in expanding their global knowledge and meet the following requirements: (1) minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5; (2) in good academic standing, good financial and judicial standing with the University; and (3) enrolled in the semester prior to the study abroad program. Students must also meet the eligibility requirements of the specific program, organization and/or academic unit hosting the program.

Course Registration

  • Students participating in study abroad must register at Bethune-Cookman University during the semester of study abroad. Please note that students may incur additional expenses over and above the cost-of-attendance at B-CU. Students are responsible for seeking their own funding for the cost of study abroad, including, but not limited to, registrations, travel funds, room and board at the host institution, and all required insurance.
  • Students participating in B-CU study abroad programs must obtain prior approval to enroll in the appropriate study abroad course(s) or course section(s).
  • Students participating in B-CU approved partner or third-party programs may be required to register at B-CU and at the host institution during the same semester. Prior approval of registration is required to ensure that the courses selected at the institution abroad are consistent with the B-CU curriculum and registration.
  • Students in third-party or partner programs may be required to bring back course information, assignments, and copies of work produced, (papers, exams etc.) in addition to the transmission of an official transcript. Should the actual course content and/or course enrollment abroad NOT reflect the pre-approved registration, it is the responsibility of the student to follow-up with the relevant faculty and advisors to explore the possibility of course substitutions in a timely manner.
  • The student is responsible for communicating any changes in the registration abroad. Changes to the approved registration may result in an inability to obtain credit for courses that are not previously approved and may impact a student’s financial aid.


Students must complete all course requirements during the study abroad semester and before departing the study abroad institution. In certain circumstances, such as in the event of an emergency, students may be able to arrange to complete remaining coursework with the use of proctors. Such arrangements must be amenable to the host institution as well. If no academic work arrangement can be made, students will not receive credit for the class.

Grades for all study abroad courses will be posted to the Bethune-Cookman University transcript and factor into the B-CU grade point average.

Academic Records

Excluding faculty-led study abroad programs, all academic records from study abroad programs must be officially transmitted records directly from the academic institution to Bethune-Cookman University Office of the Registrar. The student is responsible for requesting the transcript and follow-up to ensure that the transcript is received in the Office of the Registrar.

In order for a student to obtain credit for courses taken abroad, the academic institution must be an accredited and recognized academic institution overseas. Should the academic credentials come from an institution that does not have the appropriate accreditation, as determined by B-CU, there is a risk that the credits will not be accepted by Bethune-Cookman University. While it is ultimately the responsibility of the student to ensure adherence to this policy, the Office of Academic Enrichment may provide assistance.

Final Approval for Study Abroad

Final Approval for study abroad is contingent on maintaining all of the basic requirements and completion on the required documentation. Students must receive final approval for study abroad from the Bethune-Cookman University Office of Academic Enrichment.