Feb 15, 2025  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog

Academic Calendar 2021-2022


Academic and Registration Dates


AUG 16- DEC 4


AUG 16 - OCT 8


OCT 12 - DEC 4

Change of Major Period for Fall Semester

MAR. 22-AUG. 19



FAFSA Submission & Maximum Award Priority Deadline

MAR. 24



Class Schedule Available in Wildcat Web

MAR. 29



Registration Period

APR. 5 - AUG. 15

APR. 5 - AUG. 15

APR. 5 - OCT. 11

Returning Students’ Deadline to Submit Financial Aid Verification & Documents

JUN. 1



New Students’ Deadline to Submit Financial Aid Verification & Documents

JUL. 1



Deadline for submission of Application for Readmission for the Fall Semester

JUL. 30



Deadline to Clear Financial Obligations for the Fall Semester




Deadline to Accept Financial Aid Award *Awards not accepted, will be removed*

AUG. 1



Faculty Return to Campus

AUG. 9



First Day of Class

AUG. 16

AUG. 16

OCT. 12

Late Registration (Add/Drop)

AUG. 16-19

AUG. 16-17

OCT. 12-13

Late Registration (Add/Drop)

(Last day to add or drop a class without a grade of “WD” or “W”, change from one section to another, change from credit to audit or audit to credit).

AUG. 19

AUG. 17

OCT. 13

Last day to Receive a 100% Refund (Room & Board Assessed)

AUG. 19

AUG. 17

OCT. 13

Last Day to Change Major for Fall Semester

AUG. 19



Withdrawal Period

Drop a Class with a WD Grade or Withdraw from the University with W Grades

(Contact your advisor or professor before withdrawing from a course.)

AUG. 20 - OCT. 22

AUG. 18 - SEP. 17

OCT. 14 - NOV. 12

Labor Day Holiday - No Classes

SEP. 4 -6

SEP. 4-6


Census Day

SEP. 7

SEP. 7

SEP. 7

Last Day for Students to Complete Spring & Summer Incomplete Grades

SEP. 24



FAFSA available for 2022-2023

OCT. 1



Midterm Exams

OCT. 1-7

SEP. 13-15

NOV. 8-10

Midterm Grades will be Posted

OCT. 12

SEP. 17

NOV. 12

Wellness Day - No Classes

OCT. 15


OCT. 15

Change of Major Period for Spring Semester Begins

OCT. 18



Last Day to Withdraw from a Class with a WD Grade

Last Day to Withdraw from the University with W Grades

OCT. 22

SEP. 17

NOV. 12

Registration for Spring 2022 Begins

NOV. 1



Deadline to Submit Fall Graduation Application

NOV. 3



Priority Deadline for Spring 2022 Graduation Application

Evaluation will be completed before Spring Semester starts

NOV. 8



Veteran’s Day Holiday

NOV. 12


NOV. 12

Last Day of Classes (Final Exam Week begins after Thanksgiving holiday)

NOV. 23

OCT. 8

DEC. 4

Thanksgiving Holiday

NOV. 24-27


NOV. 24-27

Final Exam Week

NOV. 29 - DEC. 4



Service of Consecration

DEC. 8




DEC. 11





Academic and Registration Dates


JAN 10- MAY 6


JAN 10 - MAR 5


MAR 14 - MAY 6

Change of Major Period for Spring Semester

OCT. 18 - JAN. 13



FAFSA Submission & Maximum Award Priority Deadline

MAR. 24



Class Schedule Available in Wildcat Web

OCT. 18



Registration Period

NOV. 1 - JAN. 9

NOV. 1 - JAN. 9

NOV. 1 - MAR. 13

Returning Students’ Deadline to Submit Financial Aid Verification & Documents

JUN. 1



New Students’ Deadline to Submit Financial Aid Verification & Documents

JUL. 1



Deadline to Accept Financial Aid Award *Awards not accepted, will be removed*

AUG. 1



Deadline for submission of Application for Readmission for the Spring Semester

NOV. 30



Deadline to Clear Financial Obligations for the Spring Semester

JAN. 1



First Day of Class

JAN. 10

JAN. 10

MAR. 14

Late Registration (Add/Drop)

JAN. 10-13

JAN. 10-11

MAR. 14-15

Late Registration (Add/Drop) Ends

(Last day to add or drop a class without a grade of “WD” or “W”, change from one section to another, change from credit to audit or audit to credit).

JAN. 13

JAN. 11

MAR. 15

Deadline to Apply for Spring Graduation & Submit Graduation Application

JAN. 13



Last day to Receive a 100% Refund (Room & Board Assessed)

JAN. 13

JAN. 11

MAR. 15

Last Day to Change Major for Spring Semester

JAN. 13



Withdrawal Period

Drop a Class with a WD Grade or Withdraw from the University with W Grades

(Contact your advisor or professor before withdrawing from a course.)

JAN. 14 - MAR. 19

JAN. 12 - FEB. 10

MAR. 16 - APR. 13

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - No Classes

JAN. 17

JAN. 17


Census Day

JAN. 28

JAN. 28

JAN. 28

Proposed Wellness Day - No Classes (Only day off in February - Wednesday)

FEB. 9

FEB. 9


Last Day for Students to Complete Fall Incomplete Grades

FEB. 18



FAFSA available for 2022-2023

OCT. 1



Midterm Exams

FEB. 28 - MAR. 5

JAN. 31 - FEB. 2

APR. 4 - 6

Spring Break

MAR. 7 - 12



Midterm Grades will be Posted

MAR. 16

FEB. 4

APR. 8

Change of Major Period for Fall Semester Begins

MAR. 14



Last Day to Withdraw from a Class with a WD Grade

Last Day to Withdraw from the University with W Grades

MAR. 19

FEB. 10

APR. 13

Registration for Summer and Fall 2022 Begins

MAR. 28



Priority Deadline to Submit Summer or Fall 2022 Graduation Application

Evaluation will be completed before Fall Semester starts

APR. 1



Proposed Wellness Day - No Classes    Holy Thursday (Long weekend)

APR. 14


APR. 14

Good Friday - No Classes

APR. 15


APR. 15

Last Day of Classes

APR. 29

MAR. 5


Final Exam Week

APR. 30 - MAY 6



Service of Consecration





MAY 14





Academic and Registration Dates


MAY 16 - AUG 4


MAY 16 - JUN 23


JUN 27 - AUG 4


MAY 16-JUL 10

Change of Major Period for Summer Semester

MAR. 14-MAY 18




Class Schedule Available in Wildcat Web

MAR. 14




Registration Period

MAR. 28 - MAY 15

MAR. 28 - MAY 15

MAR. 28 - JUN 26

MAR. 28 - MAY 15

Summer Graduation Applications Due





Deadline to Clear Financial Obligations for the Summer Semester



JUN. 13


Last Day to Change Major for Summer Semester

MAY 18




First Day of Class

MAY 16

MAY 16

JUN. 27

MAY 16

Late Registration (Add/Drop)

MAY 16-18

MAY 16-17

JUN. 27-28

MAY 16-18

Late Registration (Add/Drop) Ends

(Last day to add, change from one section to another, change from credit to audit or audit to credit).

MAY 18

MAY 17

JUN. 28

MAY 18

Last day to Receive a 100% Refund (Room & Board Assessed)

MAY 18

MAY 17

JUN. 28

MAY 18

Last Day to Drop without Receiving a WD Grade

(Last day to drop a class without a grade of “WD” or “W).

MAY 20

MAY 18

JUN. 29

MAY 20

Withdrawal Period

Drop a Class with a WD Grade or Withdraw from the University with W Grades

(Contact your advisor or professor before withdrawing from a course.)

MAY 21 - JUL. 12

MAY 19 - JUN. 8

JUN. 30 - JUL. 18

MAY 21 - JUN. 17

Memorial Day Holiday - No Classes

MAY 30

MAY 30


MAY 30

Census Day

JUN. 3

JUN. 3

JUN. 3

JUN. 3

Midterm Exams

JUN. 29-30




Independence Day Holiday Observed - No Classes

JUL. 4


JUL. 4

JUL. 4

Last Day to Withdraw from a Class with a WD Grade or

Withdraw from the University for that Term with W Grades

JUL. 12

JUN. 8

JUL. 18

JUN. 17

Last Day of Classes

AUG. 4

JUN. 23

AUG. 4

JUL. 10