Mar 31, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admissions and Enrollment Services

Office of Admission
Dr. Ernest C. Cook Admission Bldg
W. International Speedway Blvd.
P: 386-481-2600

The mission of the Office of Admissions is to recruit, admit, and serve an eligible, diverse student population regionally, nationally, and internationally. It embraces the University’s commitment of attracting the quality of students who are able to matriculate and graduate.

Bethune-Cookman University seeks to enroll students with the potential and desire to further their intellectual, spiritual and social development. Each applicant is evaluated individually. Academic performance at the secondary education level is extremely important. The University also considers the applicant’s character and personality as well as a commitment to achieve a university education.

Students seeking admission to Bethune-Cookman University must have satisfactorily completed or earned a standard diploma from an accredited high school and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.25 or greater on a 4.0 scale. The rigor (International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement classes) of the student’s high school program is also carefully considered.

Because high school programs and graduating systems vary widely, the secondary school program cannot be rigidly prescribed. However, the University is most interested in students with solid academic achievements and leadership development activities during each of the four years of high school. This curriculum includes: four units of English, three units of mathematics, three units of natural science (at least one laboratory), three units of social science and history, and six academic electives. Two units of foreign language and one computer literacy course are strongly recommended but are not required for admission to the University. The General Education Diploma (GED) may be considered in lieu of a complete high school record.

All entering freshmen must have taken either the SAT I: Reasoning Test or the ACT Assessment Test. The University encourages prospective students to take one or both of these tests in their junior year and again early in the fall of their senior year. Information concerning the SAT or ACT can be obtained from the student’s high school guidance counselor or directly from the College Entrance Examination Board, P.O. Box 592, Princeton, NJ 08540. Students may also write to ACT at ACT Assessment, P.O. Box 451, Iowa City, IA 52240. Students may register online or receive additional information at and Students may also call the College Entrance Examination office at 866-630-9305 for general information and the Southern Region Office of the College Entrance Examination (CEE) at 866-392-4088. Bethune-Cookman’s CEEB code number is 5061; its ACT code number is 0720.

General Admission Procedures

The student seeking admission to Bethune-Cookman University should apply prior to the December 1st Scholarship Deadline, for full consideration for all scholarship opportunities. An Application for Admission can be obtained online at, or by writing to request an application from the Office of Admissions, Bethune-Cookman University, 640 Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Boulevard, Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3099. Students may also call the Office of Admissions at 800-448-0228.

To take advantage of the Fall Semester Deadline, student credentials must be received no later than May 1. The deadline to get credentials in for the Spring is November 30. The following credentials are required:

  • A $25.00 nonrefundable application fee or official fee waiver form obtained from the student’s high school guidance office.
  • Official copies of transcript(s) including all high school academic experiences;
  • Final official high school transcript with graduation date posted; and
  • Results of Standardized tests - Results of either the 15 or greater ACT or 810 combined SAT are to be forwarded directly to the university.

Conditional Admission

Bethune-Cookman University has always reached out to students which other institutions of higher education might have considered unprepared for college-level work. The Legacy of the University’s founder is one that compels the institution to reach out to students who are genuinely seeking higher education but whose application materials reveal the need for additional academic support. The University is proud to say that scores of these students have taken up residence in communities throughout the United States as productive members of society and citizens committed to civic engagement.

The University’s Office of Admissions has the authority to consider indicators in individual applicants that would place them at academic risk, including having a cumulative grade point average of less than the required 2.25. Following deliberations, the Office of Admissions may elect to deny or admit, on a conditional basis, a percentage of these applicants.

Re-Activation of Students That Did Not Attend

An Application for Re-Activation, obtainable from the Office of Admissions, must be submitted by June 1st for the Fall Semester or by November 30 for the Spring Semester. Students who are inactive (not registered) for one Semester must complete an Application for Re-activation. When a student fails to enroll for classes at the University for two consecutive Semesters, he or she must apply for re-admission. The Office of Admissions will notify the student, in writing, of the decision in a timely fashion.

Non-Degree Seeking Students

Application for admission as a non-degree seeking student must include records of previous educational experience (high school or college transcript), a statement of studies to be pursued, and evidence of the ability to pursue studies as may be prescribed by the Office of Admissions. These students are normally limited to 9 Hours each Semester.

An undergraduate student enrolled at another accredited collegiate institution may be permitted to enroll at Bethune-Cookman University as a non-degree seeking student in order to complete work for transfer back to the home institution. No evaluation of previous work completed will be made, and it is the student’s responsibility to secure approval from the home institution.

Credit earned by a student while in non-degree status will not automatically be applied to a Bethune-Cookman University degree program. Should the student be admitted as a regular student, he or she may petition the University to have such courses applied to the major area, if the courses are a part of the student’s required program of study. Students admitted under non-degree status who decide to become regular students must apply through the University’s Office of Admissions.

Transfer Students Admissions

Office of Transfer Student Services
Judson McPhillips Building
Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
P: 386-481-2105

A transfer student is defined as a candidate for admission who has attended a regionally accredited college or university. The credits must not have been earned at the time the student was also enrolled in high school.

If the candidate has less than 28 transferable Semester Hours (one full year) of credit from an accredited college or university, all requirements of a first-year student at the University must also be satisfied.

The following credentials must be received by the June 1st deadline for Fall Semester admission. Priority deadline for Spring Semester admission is November 30.

•    A completed Application for Admission 
•    A $25.00 nonrefundable application fee 
•    Official copies of transcript(s) for all college work attempted;
•    Final official high school transcript including graduation date; 
•    Results of either the ACT or SAT  are to be forwarded directly to the university; The student may be exempted from this requirement if he or she completed high school at least 10 years before the date of his or her transfer application to Bethune-Cookman University.

Bethune-Cookman University General Transfer Policy

Office of the Registrar
Registrar and Bursar Complex
Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Blvd.
P: 386-481-2525

Bethune-Cookman University will accept transferable credits if the following criteria are met:

  1. The credits are obtained from an institution that is regionally accredited or equivalent.
  2. A grade of C or better was achieved.
  3. The credits can be applied to a selected degree program at B-CU.
  4. Advanced Placement (AP) exam scores of 3 or higher are achieved.
  5. With an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, a minimum score of 4 on the IB exam must be achieved.
  6. In the absence of an IB Diploma, IB exam scores of 5 or higher must be achieved on each exam.
  7. College Level Examination Program (CLEP) scores of 50 or higher are achieved.
  8. Official transcripts and appropriate documentation are received for evaluation.

Transfer Students With Associates of Arts Degrees

Students holding A.A. degrees from a regionally accredited College or University will be fully admitted and accepted as upper-level transfer students. Students must also meet admission requirements for specific majors.


Transfer grades are not included in computing a student’s grade point average at Bethune-Cookman University.

To earn a degree from Bethune-Cookman University, at least 25% of the credit hours required for the degree must be earned at the University (25 percent rule). As such, a maximum of 90 transfer credit hours may be applied towards the degree.

For some transfer students, additional institutional learning outcomes may be required before graduation.

For evaluation of International and Military credits, the University may use third-party services.

Credits will not be accepted for transfer into the University if courses are more than 10 years old. Exceptions to this policy can only be made by the Office of the Provost.

Transfer Students With Associate Degrees Other Than The Associate of Arts

Official transcripts from all Associate degree recipients will be reviewed course by course to determine if courses previously earned qualify the students for full admission with upper-level transfer status. The transfer students must also satisfy any other requirements unique to the selected Bethune-Cookman University academic school. The transfer student may have to take the Bethune-Cookman University placement test upon the review of the official transcript.

Transfer grades are not included in computing a student’s grade point average at Bethune-Cookman University. Individual “D” grades are not accepted for transfer.

Courses completed at a regionally accredited community or state college will be accepted pending review by the department chair and/or academic dean.

Transfer credits based on CLEP scores will be accepted if the scores meet Bethune-Cookman University’s standards for the minimum required score. Not more than six Semester Hours of credit may be earned in any one area. Not more than 30 Semester Hours of credit may be earned by examination. Official CLEP scores must be received by B-CU before credit may be posted to the students’ record.

If a transfer student wishes to transfer without an A.A. degree, transfer credit will be awarded only for coursework with the grade of “C” or better. If the candidate has less than 27 transferable Semester Hours (1 full year) of credit from an accredited college, all requirements for a first-year student must also be met.

Transfer students with 30 or more credits will be exempt from Freshman Seminar. No developmental, preparatory or basic skills courses (non-degree credits) can be transferred into Bethune-Cookman University. They must be satisfied at this institution. These courses do not satisfy the general education requirements for graduation.

In order to earn a degree from Bethune-Cookman University, at least 25% of the credit Hours required for the degree must be earned at the University (25 percent rule). Of this minimum amount of work, the last Semester must be taken at the University. Additionally, 30 percent of the student’s work in the major field must be completed at Bethune-Cookman University.

Transfer Students With Bachelor Degrees

A transfer student must complete at least 30 Semester Hours of coursework in residence to receive a degree from Bethune-Cookman University. Of this minimum amount of work, the last Semester must be taken at the University. Additionally, 30 percent of the student’s work in his major field must be completed at Bethune-Cookman University.

Re-Admission of Former Students

An Application for Re-admission, obtainable from the Office of the Registrar, must be submitted by July 30 for the Fall Semester or by November 30 for the Spring Semester. Students who are inactive (not registered) for one Semester must complete an Application for Re-admission. When a student fails to enroll for classes at the University for two consecutive Semesters, he or she must apply for re-admission. The Office of the Registrar will notify the student, in writing, of the decision in a timely fashion.

Students who have not enrolled at the University for five or more years are responsible for completing the most recent curriculum in their major area. These students may also be required to take oral or written examinations to demonstrate proficiency in undergraduate courses previously taken.

Admissions of Veterans

Bethune-Cookman University is approved as a provider of educational benefits for the nation’s veterans and veterans with disabilities. The University is also approved to provide educational benefits to active service personnel and qualified dependents of veterans (widows, war orphans, etc.). Veterans who seek admission should follow the established admissions procedures. In order to be qualified for benefits under the rules and regulations of the Veterans Affairs Administration, veterans should contact the University’s Veterans’ Affairs Certifying Official in the Office of the Registrar.

Students who are using veterans’ educational benefits to attend the University must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average. Veterans, as well as, widows, war orphans, etc. If your cumulative grade point average fall below the minimum acceptable standards to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). To continue to receive Federal Aid and/or VA Educational Benefits for the upcoming semester, you are required to see your Student Success Coach in the College of Undergraduate Studies in order to file an appeal. Once your appeal has been approved, you must bring a copy of your A/SAP form to the VA School Certifying Official to continue receiving your VA Benefits. Failure to improve your Academic Progress may result in your Educational Benefits being suspended. Students must meet both the cumulative GPA and PACE requirements. While the student may continue to matriculate at the University, federal funds through the Veterans Affairs Administration will not be available until such time as the minimum acceptable cumulative grade point average has been reached.

New Student Orientation for Veterans and/or Spouse/Dependents

If you are a veteran or a spouse/dependent of veterans and you plan to use your Veterans’ Educational Benefits while attending Bethune-Cookman University, you should contact the University Certifying Official in the Office of the Registrar at 386.481.2525 or

If the veteran or veteran spouse/dependent(s) has made contact with the School Certifying Official the student may go directly to the Office of  Financial Aid and/or the Office of Student Accounts.

If the veteran or veteran spouse/dependent(s) has not made contact with the University’s Certifying Official, he or she should report to the certifying official during Admissions check-in. Only student’s receiving Post 9/11 Educational Benefits name will be placed on the approved veterans’ recipient list to receive educational benefits from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. The student may then go directly to Financial Aid and Bursars Office.

All TA for Active Duty, USAR, and ARNG Soldiers must be requested through GoArmyEd.

Bethune-Cookman University is a participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program. The Yellow Ribbon Program was established by the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008. This program allows institutions of higher learning (such as colleges, universities, and other degree-granting schools) in the United States to voluntarily enter into an agreement with the Veterans’ Administration to fund tuition and fee expenses that exceed the tuition and fee amounts payable under the Post-9/11 GI Bill. Student veterans who have been approved to receive Post 9/11 GI BILL benefits at 100 percent rate qualify for the Yellow Ribbon Program.

Veterans Affairs - Educational Funds Information

To receive veteran educational funds you must first complete an application thru VONAPP (Veterans Online Application Process). You should visit the Department of Veterans Affairs website at GI Bill Forms To apply for educational benefits (chapter 1606, 1607, 30, 31, 33), you must complete a 22-1990 form. For students applying for Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance (Chapter 35), you must complete a 22-5490 application.

Students applying for Tuition Assistance must request TA through prior to the course start date or before the school’s late registration period but no later than seven (7) days after the course start date. TA is requested on a course-by-course basis. GoArmyEd will notify the Soldier whether the TA is approved or not. If the TA request is not approved, GoArmyEd will advise the Soldier of the reason and next steps. All drops/withdrawals must take place through GoArmyEd. Soldiers who do not successfully complete a class will be required to repay the TA. Soldiers who are unable to successfully complete a class due to military reasons must request a Withdrawal for Military Reasons through GoArmyEd and complete all required steps to ensure that they will not be charged. If the Soldier wishes to take a class at a school that does not participate in the electronic GoArmyEd class schedule, a TA Request Authorization form must be completed in GoArmyEd. The TA Request Authorization will be routed to an Army Education Counselor to be reviewed and approved. Soldiers should allow extra time for this. If the TA Request Authorization is approved, the Soldier will be notified by email. Soldiers must print the approved TA Request Authorization form in GoArmyEd, provide it to the school and enroll directly with the school. Soldiers must submit a signed TA Statement of Understanding (TA SOU) each year. Soldiers in the rank of E7 or above do not need their commander’s signature. However, by signing this document they agree to the terms of this TA SOU. Soldiers in the rank of E6 or below must have their commander’s signature. GoArmyEd will send a notice to students 90 days before the due date.

If you are registered for classes when you apply for benefits, an enrollment certification (22-1999) can be submitted along with the application for veteran’s and veterans’ spouse/dependents receiving educational benefits under chapters 30, 31, 35, 1606, and 1607. Once you are approved by the VA to receive benefits, the VA will have the application needed to release your funds. All veterans and veterans’ spouse/dependents under Post 9/11 Educational Benefit, the school certifying official must receive approve Certificate of Eligibility (C.O.E) before an enrollment certification can be submitted. Thereafter your Tuition and Fees can be release to your Financial Institution.

You must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit Hours (undergraduates) and 9 credit Hours (graduates) to qualify for full-time benefits. Also, remember that 9 Hours is fulltime for the summer (undergraduates) and 6 Hours is fulltime for (graduates).

Effective Fall 2011, Post-9/11, also known as Chapter 33, students must present all of the following documents to the VA Certifying Official to process an enrollment certification each semester. 

If you are a new student or returning student applying for educational benefits under Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) and have received your approve Certificate of Eligibility (C.O.E.). The following documents must be presented to the VA certifying official to process an enrollment.

  • VA Student Registration Form
  • A copy of the signed 22-1990 or 22-1990e and a copy of the Certificate of Eligibility
  • Copy of Bethune-Cookman University Financial Aid Award Letter
  • Copy of Bethune-Cookman University Student Accounts Worksheet
  • Final Schedule of Bethune-Cookman University classes

If you are a new student or returning student applying for educational benefits under chapters 1606, 1607, 30, 33, or 35 for the first time, the following documents must be presented to the VA certifying official to process an enrollment certification.

  • A copy of the signed 22-1990 or 22-5490, and a copy of the Certificate of Eligibility
  • Final Schedule of Bethune-Cookman University classes
  • Copy of Bethune-Cookman University Student Accounts Worksheet
  • Final Schedule of Bethune-Cookman University classes

It is important that the VA certifying official is informed of any changes in your status that may or may not affect the rate of pay you are receiving, such as drops, withdrawals, etc. When this is not done it sometimes may result in overpayments. (A veteran under chapter 33 benefits must inform VA certifying official of additional changes that affect the rate of payments received, such as dropping/adding classes).

For General questions, students may call 1-888-442-4551 for the Educational Service Hotline Center for any questions pertaining to VA educational benefits.

  • For more information concerning the veterans’ affairs, you can visit the Department of Veterans Affairs website at
  • For more information concerning federal and/or state financial aid, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at 386.481.2620.
  • For more information concerning payment of your Bethune-Cookman University balance, please contact our Bursar’s Office at 386.481.2507.
  • Your local VA Certifying Official is located in the Office of the Registrar. The main office number is 386.481.2525 or 386.481.2521 or you may email

Veterans, Dependents receiving benefits under Chapters 33(Post 9/11), 31 (Voc Rehab), and Tuition Assistance (GoArmyEd): Tuition and Fees are paid directly to the institution.

Chapter 33(Post 9/11) VA does not pay for Room and Board.

All other chapters (30, 35, 1606, and 1607) are responsible to pay Tuition and Fees out-of-pocket. VA disburses a monthly stipend directly to veterans, spouse, and dependents.

All Chapters (30, 33, 31, 35, 1606, 1607, and TA) - must go through Financial Aid to apply for additional funds for room and board and/or Tuition and Fees.

All Chapters (30, 31, 33, 35, 1606, 1607, and TA) must go through the Bursar’s Office to resolve any outstanding balance by either payment to your student account, a third-party payment, and/or enrolling in a payment plan (Deadlines: Nov 8th for the Spring and June 30th for the Fall).

Education Service Officer Policy

Here at Bethune-Cookman University, we value your military service to our nation and as an honorably discharged veteran, you are entitled to education benefits. Honorably discharged veterans are eligible to participate in certain education programs but also must meet all academic requirements. The military veteran also must maintain the same academic standards as any student attending Bethune-Cookman University. 

Active, Reserve or National Guard service members should consult with the Education Services Officer (ESO) or educational representative on their respective military installation or reserve/national guard unit in accordance with the Department of Defense Voluntary Education Partnership memorandum of understanding (DODI 1322.25, March 15, 2011) before submitting an application for VA benefits. Below is the name of the certifying official located at Bethune-Cookman University.

Policy for Recruitment of Military Members and Veterans

Bethune-Cookman University is bound to follow a code of ethics as related to the recruitment of all students, including Service members and their dependents.  

Specifically, Bethune-Cookman University will ensure compliance with program integrity requirements consistent with the regulations issued by ED (34 C.F.R 668.71-668.75 and 668.14) related to restrictions on misrepresentation, recruitment, and payment of incentive compensation.

This applies to the educational institution itself and its agents including third party lead generators, marketing firms, or companies that own or operate the educational institutions.

As part of efforts to eliminate unfair, deceptive, and abusive marketing aimed at Service members Bethune-Cookman University will:

1. Ban inducements, including any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimis amount, to any individual or entity, or its agents including third party lead generators or marketing firms other than salaries paid to employees or fees paid to contractors in conformity with all applicable laws for the purpose of securing enrollments of Service members or obtaining access to TA funds. Educational institution sponsored scholarships or grants and tuition reductions available to military students are permissible, and;

2.  Refrain from providing any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including TA funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance, and;

3.  Refrain from high-pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in-person, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing Service member enrollments.

Who is governed by this Policy:

These rules apply to positions performing the restricted activities. Certain departments such as Admissions Offices or Student Financial Services will have a number of employees’ subject to the ban since these departments typically perform covered activities.  These restrictions may apply to higher‐level employees with responsibilities for the covered activities.

Additionally, these rules apply to ANY employee in any department that is directly engaged in recruiting students.  Employees may not be compensated based on their success in enrolling students.  Special care should be taken when reviewing the performance of employees that may perform recruiting activities as a nominal part of their work to ensure that compensation decisions are not made in relation to the success of these activities in securing student enrollment.


Violation of Institute policies, including the failure to avoid a prohibited activity or obtain required approvals, will be dealt with in accordance with applicable University policies and procedures.  These may include disciplinary actions up to and including termination from the University.

International Students

Office of International Student Services
Civic Center for Engagement
W. International Speedway Blvd
P: 386-481-2171

The University is authorized under Federal law to enroll nonimmigrant students. International students must complete the Application for Admission and meet all applicable requirements for admission into the University. The application process includes a $25.00 nonrefundable application fee and certified or official final secondary school records and/or university transcripts. These documents must be verified by an accredited credentialing agency.

All freshman international student applicants must submit ACT or SAT I scores. If English is not the student’s native language or language of instruction, TOEFL scores must also be submitted. A score of 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) is expected for academic success. Lower scores may require special language assistance. Transfer applicants whose native language or language of instruction is not English must also submit TOEFL scores.

The International Student applicant must also submit an official statement of available financial resources, including supporting financial documentation that shows the availability of sufficient funds necessary to cover the expenses associated with attending the University. Students cannot receive the United States Department of Homeland Security Form (I-20) until after they have been accepted into the University and have submitted the completed personal financial resources statement.

Qualified Disabled Persons

Office of Student Accessibility Services
341 Model Street
P: 386-481-2172

Bethune-Cookman University provides equal opportunity to qualified disabled persons in accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 serve to ensure that individuals with current disabling conditions are provided reasonable accommodations to enable them to enjoy the programs, activities, services, and employment opportunities offered by colleges and universities.

As these laws only apply to individuals with documented disabilities, it is required by Bethune-Cookman University that individuals provide recent documentation to establish their eligibility under these laws and to document their specific accommodation needs. Individuals with a verifiable learning or physical disability affecting academic studies must submit documentation of a professional diagnostic evaluation (not older than three years) of their disability to the Office of Student Accessibility Services located on the first floor of the Charles Parlin Student Center.

Students without documented disabilities must also contact the Office of Student Accessibility Services regarding living and dietary accommodations. All documentation provided to the Office of Student Accessibility Services will be strictly confidential. No information, except as provided by law, will be released to anyone, including parents, without the student’s written consent.

The academic and technical criteria required for acceptance into a particular program or for approval to participate in a particular activity shall be carefully studied and findings documented by the program’s administrators in order to ensure reasonable access for persons with qualified disabilities. The interest and determination of the student, as well as the feasibility of providing necessary support, shall be weighed in deciding whether or not a disabled person can meet the required academic standards of the program or the activity to which they are seeking access. Appropriate instructional support services are available for students with a documented disability.

This auxiliary assistance must be arranged through the Office of Student Accessibility Services. In situations where special assistance is not sufficient to permit the person with the disability to successfully complete the program or course requirement, course substitutions or formal program modifications may be requested through the Office of Student Accessibility Services. 

Office of Testing 

L. Gale Lemerand School of Nursing Building
International Speedway Blvd.
P: 386-481-2312

The Office of Testing provides services for Bethune-Cookman University students, faculty, staff, and the surrounding community.

  • Placement Testing (Florida PERT) - B-CU accepts and utilize the Florida Postsecondary Educational Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.) for college placement. Students are strongly encouraged to take the P.E.R.T. as soon as possible on campus or at an approved remote testing facility prior to attending New Student Orientation. Students may be exempted from taking the B-CU P.E.R.T. based on meeting B-CU’s required ACT/SAT scored and high school grade point average. Results from the assessments are used to advise students and their Success Coach identify appropriate mathematics and writing course placement.
  • National Test Center - The University also serves as a national test center for limited test offerings of the Educational Testing Service (ETS) Major Field Test, CLEP, TEAS, Law School Admission Test (LSAT), and MPRE.
  • College Credit - Bethune-Cookman University is a participant in the Advanced Placement Program (AP) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB). If the student meets the criteria set forth by each academic area, then the student may receive college credit for courses covering similar material. Students must apply through the Office of the Registrar no later than the end of the sixth week of their first Semester enrolled at Bethune-Cookman University.
  • College-Level Examination Program (CLEP©) - The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests by the College Board are offered to students who are able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required by the subject examinations. Students can receive course credit by earning qualifying scores on CLEP examinations. Additional information regarding the CLEP exams is available at or in the Testing Offices in the L. Gale Lemerand Building (Nursing Build).

ADA Compliance - Individuals requiring special testing accommodations needs must submit documentation of a professional diagnostic evaluation not older than 3 years to the Office of Student Disability Services (ext. 2170).