The Bachelor of Science in biology is designed for students who are interested in careers which require an extensive background in biology. Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science degree, the student will have met the minimum major requirements for admission to graduate and professional schools (e.g., medical, dental, veterinary, etc). Elective coursework can lead to specialized focus in bioinformatics, molecular biology, or ecology. In collaboration with the College of Education, a B. S. in Biology Education is also offered and is described in the College of Education portion of the catalog. The department chair can provide more information.
Following the completion of a major in Biology, students will:
- demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts of the Biological Sciences.
- exhibit effective oral and written communication of Biological Concepts.
- demonstrate the ability to critically analyze Biological processes.
- demonstrate the ability to work effectively in collaboration with others.
- demonstrate the ability to apply the tools and techniques of Biological research.
Admission to the Program
Admission to the program is through formal declaration of major and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0.
Requirements for Major in Biology
In accordance with the CSEM requirements, Biology majors and minors must earn a grade of “C” or better in all CSEM courses. Biology majors may substitute PH 241 / 242 General Physics for PH 251 / 252 College Physics. Students who major in Biology may substitute CH 446 Biochemistry II for one of their biology elective courses. In the second year, during the BI 222 Sophomore Seminar, all Biology majors will take an exam reviewing the material covered in BI 141, 142 and 240. Continuation in the program will be contingent upon successfully passing this exam or permission of the Department Chair and/or Academic Advisor.
Requirements for Minor in Biology
To earn a minor in Biology, students must complete a minimum of 16 hours of Biology courses beyond BI 141 and BI 142. Please see the Department Chair for more information.
Course Requirements
Refer to the vertical curriculum for additional course requirements.